Ask me, “What is a woman?” And I will be pleased to give the answer!

A woman is one who is made in the image of God, a cherished and beloved daughter of the Most High!

A woman is a person to be loved and appreciated in her own right, not because she is someone’s daughter, wife, mom, sister, auntie, or has any other female designation.

A woman is an equal part of the Master Creator’s design for humanity, not in competition with, nor inferior to, her male counterpart.

A woman may have the ability to bear life, but always has the capacity to love life and those to whom she is dedicated.

A woman was the height, the final act, of God’s creation…not better than the man, but correspondingly different…but also, and this is, perhaps, the most important part. She is equal in spectacular humanity, grace, and wisdom, for she, just like he, is an image-bearer of the Most High, Trinitarian God, as well as a sanctuary for the Sacred Spirit.

So, if someone begs the question, “What is a woman?” Whatever their motives, answer truthfully, boldly, and without reservation or hesitation!

Let there be no doubt! This life, this earthly (and eventually, heavenly) life is not about your “role.” It is about who you are! And women, you are Christ’s beloved!

Rev. Kim W. Chafee
July 24, 2022

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Kim Chafee

I am a lover of the God who sings! I am a Christ-follower and an ordained minister married to the other Rev. Chafee (Scott), with two grown children and a multitude of pets. And, I love chocolate. Read more about me and the reason for this blog on my ABOUT page.

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