I think my crier is broken. Sometimes I wonder about the things that bring me to tears, which, by the way, seems to happen a lot more often lately. Perhaps it’s because of the season…or …
Sacred Scenes

"The LORD, your God, is in your midst…He will exult over you with loud singing…" Zephaniah 3:17
I think my crier is broken. Sometimes I wonder about the things that bring me to tears, which, by the way, seems to happen a lot more often lately. Perhaps it’s because of the season…or …
Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Matthew 5:4 As an on-call Chaplain I am called, fairly often, to the bedside of a dying patient. What doesn’t happen very often, thankfully, is …
Today… When the world around you erupts in chaos… Speak peace. When the darkness seems to surround you… Choose to walk in the Light. And when you are tempted to blame… Instead, bless. Share the …
The Gift of Music. The family greeted me with the words, “She’s not responsive.” The elderly matriarch had been brought to the hospital earlier in the day. She was dying. The family had gathered around …