I pledge my allegiance to Christ alone, and to the fulfillment of His purposes. I count no nation, principality, nor kingdom as high, as consequential, as the Kingdom of God. No pledge, no flag, no …
My Allegiance

"The LORD, your God, is in your midst…He will exult over you with loud singing…" Zephaniah 3:17
I pledge my allegiance to Christ alone, and to the fulfillment of His purposes. I count no nation, principality, nor kingdom as high, as consequential, as the Kingdom of God. No pledge, no flag, no …
Have we somehow lost our way? Have we lost touch with the One who is the very reason and the plumb line of our existence? Viewing the current political situation, I sometimes think so. But …
So, one of the latest comments from a presidential-wanna-be is that we should, “Go after the terrorist’s families.” And he wraps his venomous diatribes in Christianity, with the American flag as his backdrop. While I …