Ask me, “What is a woman?” And I will be pleased to give the answer! A woman is one who is made in the image of God, a cherished and beloved daughter of the Most …
Women in Ministry
I am a child of God. I know my place and my portion. I know my calling. I am a child of God. And I refuse to listen to lies. Even those well ensconced in …
Racism and Sexism in the Church (“For Those Who Have Ears to Hear”)
Sunday morning confession. I am angry, and I am broken-hearted, and I truly believe this is a word for the Church today…and I’ll make it as simple as possible. Slavery was wrong. Sexism is equally …
The Double Nickel and the Other F-Word
Just some random musings for my 55th birthday and the topic of…wait for it… feminism. Not what you expected from the title, right? Well then, I accomplished my purpose. (Consider it my first “randomness.”) I …