I am waiting…
I am waiting for a lady to return to the hospital. I have never met her. I only know her name. When she left earlier this evening, her husband was out of surgery and she thought that all was well – that she could go home and get a shower and perhaps, something to eat…because she thought that all was well. And it was – for a brief while.
And then things took a terrible turn for the worse and I was paged in the middle of the night by a concerned nurse who felt that the wife would need the presence of a chaplain. And so, I am waiting.
While I wait, I pray. I pray for this lady, whom I know only by name…because her world is about to change, forever.
“God, please give me Your grace to help this dear lady find a place of peace in the midst of her sorrow. And thank You for allowing me to be here, to perform the ministry that is chaplaincy.”