Sometimes, Lord, I am overwhelmed at Your greatness!  The vastness of Your love; the beauty of Your creation…there are no words to adequately describe You and all that You have spoken into being.  I am “awe-ing” in Your presence!

A single intricate snowflake, a blazing sunset, the face of a child, music…  Only You could create such beauty!  And when I gaze into the sky at night, there is no doubt that You are God!  Majesty is Your name!  There is beauty that no eye has seen – vast universes of swirling cosmos, with billions of stars that You call by name!  Truly, I cannot comprehend the vastness of Your greatness and beauty, nor the extent of Your love!

My day is finite and yet I ask You, the God of infinitude, to enter into it.  Fill me with Your presence, Your awareness of the needs around me, and the ability to effectively address those needs.  Give me greater love for Your precious children, particularly the elderly.  Make me a blessing to them – a spokesperson for their needs, a champion of their hopes and dreams.

God, that I might bless You – that I might know Your presence and Your peace.  That is my prayer for this day…


Kim W. Chafee
January 8, 2014

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Kim Chafee

I am a lover of the God who sings! I am a Christ-follower and an ordained minister married to the other Rev. Chafee (Scott), with two grown children and a multitude of pets. And, I love chocolate. Read more about me and the reason for this blog on my ABOUT page.

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