I am a lover of the God who sings!  I am a Christ-follower and am blessed to be the wife of the other Reverend Chafee (Scott) and mom to two incredible grown kids who make me laugh and give me great hope for the future.  I am also mom to a multitude of fur and feather babies. And, I love chocolate.

As an ordained minister and lifelong Baptist I began attending a neighborhood United Methodist Church in 2019. I currently serve there as Music/Worship Minister.

I received my Master’s of Divinity (with Church Music) Degree from the Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond; Clinical Pastoral Education (4 Units) from Sentara Norfolk General Hospital (Level 1 Trauma Center), a specialty Certificate in Palliative Care Chaplaincy from the California State University Institute for Palliative Care in San Marcos, California, was endorsed through the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, and a Bachelor of Science from the University of Montevallo (Montevallo, Alabama).

In 2021 I retired as Director of Spiritual Care/Bereavement Director/Chaplain with @Heart Hospice and Home Care in Virginia Beach, having also served as Music & Worship Pastor at multiple Baptist churches over the years, as well as teaching voice and music. My husband and I served as missionaries to the African nation of Zambia from 1993-1999.

I love to write about things that I’m passionate about – God’s love, egalitarian theology, grace, the love of Jesus, and women in ministry. I am an encourager of women in general, and especially of those who have been called into church work, strongly believing that Christ calls us and gifts us equally as men and women.

I hope that some of what I write about touches a place in your heart, and provides you with comfort and the knowledge that you are not alone in your journey.  I wish you Grace and Peace and my prayer is that the God who sings will uphold you and guide your path.  Amen.

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1 Comment

  1. Hi Kim!!!!!!

    I LOVE your picture! I can see the light of God in your eyes. I can see through your eyes into your heart and its like the years apart have not diminished the connection! I hope your retiring from Hospice leaves you with more peace and more energy for creativity.

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